We’re meeting at Wolves Summit in less than a month and if you’re participating as a startup, investor or executive, we strongly suggest you make the most out of the conference. Through networking, to be precise.
But where do I start?
Most importantly, know your business. Know your strengths and learn how to express them in a concise and simple way. Tell about your product or service or company, explain what it does in just one sentence.Write it down and practise a little. Create an elevator pitch. Might come in very useful, when you’re approaching other attendees during lunch time or at the Networking Party.
Got my pitch, now what?
It’s time to fill out your profile in the Matchmaking Tool. You’ll get access to it two weeks before the conference. Make sure you provide a very detailed information about you, your business and what you’re looking for. Do it early, so that other participants see you very clearly. They’ll be much more likely to attend a 1:1 meeting with you, if they see you took the time to polish the matchmaking profile.
Keep working on it
A very common problem seen among first-time networkers is they fear to approach others. Think about this way: if you don’t take matters into your own hands, nobody’s doing it for you. When you’re in a foreign country, you don’t just sit there and whine how lost you are, you take actions, ask for directions, use gestures to explain what you want. There is nothing wrong about meeting someone and realizing it won’t work. You made a new contact, why not use it some other day in the future? They’re all here to network.
Be on the move
Forget sitting inside your comfort zone for two days, Wolves Summit has many attractions you need to see. The Startup Expo, Great Pitch competition, lectures and the networking area. Look for other people, talk to them, exchange business cards. Think about how many more potential business partners you can meet, if you don’t stay in one place waiting for them to come as if you were Mr Corleone.
Are you more into videos? See how our CEO, Barbara Piasek, sums up the networking experience at Wolves Summit.
Networking v.1
Networking v.2
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