In the CEE region investments are increasing 150% year on year – and this is the moment to get in on the CEE investment action. But where to start? It all depends on what you want to invest in, as there’s certainly no shortage of options. Here, we’ll give you a preview of the sorts of startups you can meet at B2B matchmaking, to invest in, advise, and watch grow beyond all expectations. All you need to do is book your spot at Wolves Summit and get networking. Ready to take a look at what investment potentials are on offer? Let’s go.
In the CEE region investments are increasing 150% year on year – and this is the moment to get in on the CEE investment action. But where to start? It all depends on what you want to invest in, as there’s certainly no shortage of options. Here, we’ll give you a preview of the sorts of startups you can meet at B2B matchmaking, to invest in, advise, and watch grow beyond all expectations. All you need to do is book your spot at Wolves Summit and get networking. Ready to take a look at what investment potentials are on offer? Let’s go.
Join the 8th edition of the biggest multinational event in Central and Eastern Europe focused on networking.
Bridge between investors, corporations, and promising startups.
Warsaw, October 23-24, 2018